Elliptic Curves
MACI uses the Baby Jubjub Elliptic Curve. The p
scalar field of choosing is:
with generator:
and within the finite field with modulo .
Key Pairs
MACI uses Node.js's crypto.randomBytes(32)
function to generate a cryptographically strong pseudorandom 32-byte value. This value is the seed used to generate a maci public key. A public key is a point on the Baby Jubjub curve, which is deterministically derived from a private key s
A public key is generated with the following function from zk-kit:
export function derivePublicKey(privateKey: Buffer | Uint8Array | string): Point<bigint> {
const s = deriveSecretScalar(privateKey);
return mulPointEscalar(Base8, s);
In more details, the function does the following:
- Derive a scalar value from the seed (private key).
export function deriveSecretScalar(privateKey: Buffer | Uint8Array | string): bigint {
// Convert the private key to buffer.
privateKey = checkPrivateKey(privateKey);
let hash = blake(privateKey);
hash = hash.slice(0, 32);
hash = pruneBuffer(hash);
return scalar.shiftRight(leBufferToBigInt(hash), BigInt(3)) % subOrder;
- Perform a scalar multiplication of the base point
with the scalar values
Now we have a public key, which is a point on the Baby Jubjub curve. In TypeScript, this is an array of two bigint values, representing the x and y coordinates of the point.
In order to easily store and transmit maci keys, these are serialized to a string.
A public key if first packed, then converted to a hex string. This string is then prefixed with macipk.
For private keys (well the seed really), the value is converted to a hex string, padded to be of 64 characters, and prefixed with macisk.
For instance, given a seed of 27514007781052885036162808648019893362811628316940391612960868886926452498447
, we have a public key of:
"x": 7849177681360672621257726786949079749092629607596162839195961972852243798387,
"y": 6476520406570543146511284735472598280851241629796745672331248892171436291770
Serialized, these will look like macipk.0e5194a54562ea4d440ac6a0049a41d4b600e3eb0bf54486e7a5f7e27521f6ba and macisk.3cd46064ea59936f82efb384059dd4f5b6b8e5c7546614caf7c1c3be0daea00f.
Generate MACI Keys
After successfully installing MACI, you can easily generate your MACI key pair by running:
pnpm run genMaciKeyPair
This command will create the necessary public and private keys required for running various MACI operations.